title: Endpoint deprecation october 2024
author: Florian Klein
created: 2024-09-18T15:51
updated: 2024-10-29T08:12
# Deprecation of endpoints without child item structure
## Info
As of October 29, some endpoints that do not reflect the child item structure will be considered deprecated.\
New endpoints are now available for all affected endpoints.
Even if there is currently no date set for the shutdown of the deprecated endpoints,
we recommend switching to the new endpoints as they represent the invoiceitem structure more correctly.
## Affected Endpoints
The following endpoints are affected:
- [Get single entity by ID](/api/doc#get--api-get-single_id-{entity}-{id}-{canceled_mainres_included})
- [Get entities in timespan](/api/doc#get--api-get-timespan-{entity}-{start}-{end}-{last_modified}-{last_modified_time})
- [Get roomreservation by searchpattern](/api/doc#post--api-get-roomreservation-searchpattern)
- [Get roomreservations by searchpattern](/api/doc#post--api-get-roomreservations-searchpattern)
## New Endpoints
These endpoints replace the old ones:
- [Get single entity by ID V2](/api/doc#get--api-get-single_id-v2-{entity}-{id}-{canceled_mainres_included})
- [Get entities in timespan V2](/api/doc#get--api-get-timespan-v2-{entity}-{start}-{end}-{last_modified}-{last_modified_time})
- [Get roomreservation by searchpattern V2](/api/doc#post--api-get-roomreservation-searchpattern-v2)
- [Get roomreservations by searchpattern V2](/api/doc#post--api-get-roomreservations-searchpattern-v2)
## Difference
Previously, child items were simply cut off at invoice items and their price added to the parent item.
This no longer happens. This means that an invoiceitem can have several child invoiceitems under the key child_items.
When switching to the new endpoints, it must now be considered that all 'price...' keys except for keys ending in '...with_children'
only contain the price of the parent item and therefore the prices of the child items are missing.\
When calculating the price, either 'price_total_with_children' should be used or 'price_total' with iteration over child_items should be used.
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